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Dipersilahkan Cari Klub Baru, Samuel Umtiti Pilih Bertahan di Barcelona

DBasia.news – Samuel Umtiti menegaskan tekadnya untuk bertahan di Barcelona. Ia tak peduli meski kepergiannya bisa meringankan beban gaji klub.

Barcelona memang masih berupaya keluar dari krisis keuangan. Salah satu caranya yaitu dengan menurunkan beban gaji.

Untuk mewujudkan hal itu, Barcelona mencoba melepas sejumlah bintang berharga tinggi. Lionel Messi menjadi salah satu korban dari kebijakan ini.

Umtiti menjadi salah satu nama lain yang ingin dikorbankan Barcelona. Selain karena bergaji cukup tinggi, tenaganya juga sudah tidak dibutuhkan.

Umtiti menerima bayaran sekitar 8 juta euro per musim. Padahal ia hanya tampil 16 kali sepanjang musim lalu.

Pelatih Barcelona, Ronald Koeman sudah mempersilahkan Umtiti untuk mencari klub baru. Yang bersangkutan tidak masuk dalam rencananya musim ini.

Menurut laporan Mundo Deportivo, Umtiti menolak permintaan Koeman. Ia bertekad bertahan dan memperjuangkan tempatnya di skuat inti Barcelona.

Padahal sejumlah klub tertarik memakai jasa Umtiti. Beberapa di antaranya yaitu Olympique Lyon, AS Roma, dan Besiktas.

Umtiti tampaknya enggan pindah dari Barcelona karena berpotensi menerima gaji yang lebih kecil di klub barunya. Namun sikap ini tentu membuat kesal manajemen El Barca.

Barcelona dikabarkan siap menindak tegas Umtiti. Salah satu rencananya yaitu memutus kontrak sang pemain.

1. Welcome to Find a New Club, Samuel Umtiti Chooses to Stay at Barcelona

Samuel Umtiti confirmed his determination to stay at Barcelona. He did not care even though his departure could lighten the burden of the club’s salary.

Barcelona is still trying to get out of the financial crisis. One way is to reduce the salary burden.

To make it happen, Barcelona tried to release a number of high-priced stars. Lionel Messi became one of the victims of this policy.

Umtiti became one of the other names that Barcelona wanted to sacrifice. Apart from having a fairly high salary, his energy is also no longer needed.

Umtiti receives a fee of around 8 million euros per season. He only appeared 16 times last season.

Barcelona coach Ronald Koeman has invited Umtiti to find a new club. He is not included in his plans for this season.

According to a Mundo Deportivo report, Umtiti rejected Koeman’s request. He is determined to survive and fight for his place in the Barcelona core squad.

Even though a number of clubs are interested in using Umtiti’s services. Some of them are Olympique Lyon, AS Roma, and Besiktas.

Umtiti seems reluctant to move from Barcelona because of the potential to receive a smaller salary at his new club. But this attitude certainly irritated the management of El Barca.

Barcelona reportedly ready to take firm action against Umtiti. One of the plans is to terminate the player’s contract.

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